Big Data Talent Awards 2019

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The 5th edition of the BIg Data Talent Awards is here!

The Big Data Talent Awards have the objective to recognize the doctoral theses and master or postgraduate final projects related to Big Data and Data Analytics with more socioeconomic impact and with the biggest technological innovation.

The 5th edition of the Big Data Talent Awards is organized by the Center of Excellence in Big Data in Barcelona and it is sponsored by Oracle.


Students that have presented their doctoral thesis or their master or postgraduate final project within the course 2018-19 in catalan universities.


Oracle will offer winners a prize of 1.000 € for category I (final master or postgraduate) and 1.500 € for category II (doctoral thesis).


The call for the proposals will be open until next 27th of September, 2019 at 12h noon.


To participate, you must complete the following registration form. Check the terms and conditions of the call.