FIB students win hackatons this course

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Gabriel Esteban and Joaquim de la Cruz, students of Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering, participate in different hackatons and win four

Porticode, UCL, London, 10 - 11 December 2016

The team formed by Gabriel Esteban, Ramon Fernandez and Martí Serra won the 1st prize.

Sumantha project: Bot summarizing, at the user's request, messaging service conversations slack.

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MLH Prime, London, 1 - 2 April 2017

The team formed by Gabriel Esteban, David Riudor and Carlos Rodríguez won the 2nd prize.

Cryptodesk project: A management dashboard for cryptomonedes portfolios.


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AngelHack, Barcelona, 20 - 21 May 2017

The team formed by Gabriel Esteban, David Riudor and Carlos Rodríguez won the 1st prize.

Seve project: Tool of saving and investment oriented to young people who serve blockchain as database.


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