A system is called real-time when it interacts with the real world (physical process) within temporal requirements. In a Real Time System (RTS) the answer must not only be correct but must arrive at the right time or the system is considered to have failed. This is the case of the activation of the airbag or ABS in a car to give two critical examples, but also that of a robot that has to catch a ball in flight. At the end of the course the student will understand the difference between a fast and a real time system, as well as the distinction between a hard, soft or critical real time system. He will know how to analyze, design and implement systems based on microcomputers with requirements of time criticality, reliability and cost.
Person in charge
Antonio Camacho Santiago (
Enric X. Martin Rull (
Joan Aranda López (
Manuel Vinagre Ruiz (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Technical Competences
Common technical competencies
CT5 - To analyse, design, build and maintain applications in a robust, secure and efficient way, choosing the most adequate paradigm and programming languages.
- To demonstrate knowledge and capacity to apply the fundamental principles and basic techniques of parallel, concurrent, distributed and real-time programming.
Transversal Competences
G9 [Avaluable] - Capacity of critical, logical and mathematical reasoning. Capacity to solve problems in her study area. Abstraction capacity: capacity to create and use models that reflect real situations. Capacity to design and perform simple experiments and analyse and interpret its results. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation capacity.
- Critical capacity, evaluation capacity.
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Computer engineering specialization
CEC1 - To design and build digital systems, including computers, systems based on microprocessors and communications systems.
- To design a system based on microprocessor/microcontroller.
CEC2 - To analyse and evaluate computer architectures including parallel and distributed platforms, and develop and optimize software for these platforms.
- To develop and analyse software for systems based on microprocessors and its interfaces with users and other devices.
- To design and implement operating systems.
CEC3 - To develop and analyse hardware and software for embedded and/or very low consumption systems.
- To analyse, evaluate and select the most adequate hardware and software platform to support embedded and real-time applications.
- To develop specific processors and embedded systems; to develop and optimize the software of these systems.
To understand the concept of real-time system
Related competences:
To determine when to use a real-time system.
Related competences:
To understand the time slots into a RTS to implement bandwidth servers
Related competences:
Understand how multi-core real-time systems work
Related competences:
To observe the advantages of using a RTS using examples
Related competences:
Introduction to real-time systems
Explanation of different examples in which the analysis and use of real-time techniques becomes essential
Cyclic real time systems
Examples of real-time systems that do not have computing capability to be able to solve possible concurrency problems. - Real-time networks
- elevators
- batteries
- crossroads or train tracks
- other examples that broaden the student's vision
- optimal planning
Fixed or dynamic priorities real-time systems
Online scheduling and preemption.
- Optimal Schedulers
- Rate Monotonic
- Deadline Monotonic
- Earliest Deadline First
Implementation of an RTOS in a microprocessor
Details to consider when migrating or deploying a real-time operating system on a microprocessor
High level systems. Bandwidth servers
Implementation of bandwidth servers
Multi-core in real-time systems
Introduction to real-time systems in systems with more than one microcontroller
ActivityEvaluation act
Need for a real time system
Analysis and understanding of the tools needed to provide a temporary response to the tasks of a complex system Objectives:21 Contents:
Relevant part of the subject aimed at seeing the implementation details of real-time systems. Special interest in applications that require strict response times and communications. Objectives:345679218 Contents:
Brief research work, implementation, deepening, challenge ... related to the real-time systemes.
A preiminary research on the project topic will take place to guide the work.
There will be an open critical debate for the selection of the most opportune solutions.
The results obtained will be presented in public, and a co-evaluation method will be developed.
The teaching methodology will be of a deductive nature. The approach will always be the same:
- propose a problem
- try to solve it
- add the necessary pieces of theory to be able to solve properly
The teaching laboratory of the department at the FIB will be the place where both practice and theory are developed.
Evaluation methodology
The evaluation of the subject will be done by means of exams, problems, laboratory practices and mini-project, being able to pass the subject without having to do a final exam. The evaluation is done as follows:
- Theory 40%
- Problems 10%
- Lab practices 25%
- Mini-project 25%
Theory: there will be two online exams, CT1 and CT2, each counting 20% on the overall grade of the course
Problems: there will be problems along the course with an overall 10% of the grade of the course
Laboratory practices: there will be several deliveries, each counting equally on the overall grade of the course
Mini-project: a brief and free choice work will be developed to delve into some aspect related to real-time systems
The final NF grade will be:
Competence "G9.3 - Critical ability, assessment ability" will be assessed based on the tasks performed in the theory and problem classes, as well as on the tasks performed in the laboratory practices. In any case it has no weight in the final note of the subject.
regarding Designing Microcomputer Based Systems:
Understand the structure of microcomputers, their assembly language and their input interface management capabilities
regarding Operating Systems:
Know the basics of process management, memory management and input / output.