The Vulcanus in Japan programme offers industrial placements in companies located in Japan to students of some European universities. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the advanced technologies used by Japanese companies, as well as their awareness of Japanese culture and knowledge of their language.
Vulcanus in Japan is financed by the Japanese host company and the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation.
To request admission in the Vulcanus programme to do an internship in Japan you will have to present all required documentation at the International relations Area of the FIB. Once its is validated we will contact you to send the online application and all the required documents to the Vulcanus Programme.
Resolution is communicated directly from the programme.
Face-to-face procedure
Call: From mid-November to mid-January, approximately.
4th year students of the FIB Bachelor's and of the different FIB Master's. In the year in which the request is made, the student must be enrolled during the whole academic year.
Specified in the call
This procedure is free.
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