Internship in UPC Research Group DCCG 2019

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Are you interested in taking the first year of a master's degree and also want to work collaboratively with university departments in research activity or practices related to their studies?

Now the Spanish Ministry of Education has launched its annual "collaboration scholarship" call for students like you!

The UPC Research Group in Discrete, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry is willing to incorporate a student with a collaboration grant. You can find information on our research group through this link:


In order to apply for one of these grants, you must submit a collaboration project with a university department. If you are interested, we will discuss and write the project with you.


Projects must be submitted for evaluation to the university by September 4. To expedite the process, we ask that you contact us to prepare all the documents and send the request in time.

  • Rodrigo Silveira,   ,
  • Vera Sacristán,   ,

Amount of grants

  • Duration: 1 academic year (for a minimum of 450 hours)
  • Total amount: 2.000 €
  • These grants are compatible with the general grants from the Education Ministry

If you are interested, check out the web of the Master's degrees.