Inlab FIB and the company AdQuiver sign a collaboration agreement to apply artificial intelligence and big data to tourist marketing.
Wednesday 25 September 2019
InLab FIB is going to cooperate for a year with the R + D Company ADQuiver, from the Canary Islands, to apply artificial intelligence and big data to the tourist marketing. The
signature of the agreement took place the 17 th of September between both organisations.
Francesc Torres, rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), and Jorge Núñez, AdQuiver CEO, have signed last 17 th of September a collaboration agreement in which the inLab FIB research team will work together with the Spanish company for the development of version 2.0 of MoirAI technology. The person in charge of the project in the UPC is Josep Casanovas, inLab FIB director, being
the main researcher Oscar Romero.
InLab team and AdQuiver Data Science experts gathered for the first time last Monday to set about working on this project that intends to improve the use of artificial intelligence and big data techniques in the field of the tourist marketing. This collaboration is embedded in a project called “AdQore Moiras: intelligent technological platforms for the optimisation of Data-Driven Marketing process focused on the tourist sector”, subsidised by the NEOTEC programme from the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).
Both research teams will be involved in the development and upgrade of MoirAI to achieve a more flexible and proficient system that includes and deals with hundreds of variables at real time based on behavioural and context data of digital users. That means that artificial intelligence and big data would contribute to improve direct sales in tourist companies, while taking advantage of the potential provided by the Paid Display global ecosystem. Thanks to the support of EATIC programme, a subsidy that the Canary Islands government granted AdQuiver, version 1.0 of MoirAI’s project improved. This public funding was 85% financed jointly by the European Regional Development Fund for considering AdQuiver a specialist in high technology regarding knowledge of the RIS3.
Cooperation between AdQuiver and the UPC dates back to February 2019, having been encouraged by the Innovation and Technology Centre (CIT UPC). CIT UPC is the organisation responsible for approaching technologies developed by university centres and research teams to the market, in addition to make them available to companies.
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