everis grants 2018/2019

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everis awards scholarships for the enrolment fees of students on the master's degree at the FIB. The financial grant of each scholarship will be 3,000 euros per academic year.


Interested parties must send the documents specified(pdf in Spanish language) to the e-mail address   and give the following reference: "ref: FIB scholarship everis".

Requirements for applicants

  • Applicants must be graduates of the bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering, or be students in a FIB's Master at the moment of application.
  • They must enroll in 30 credits on a FIB master’s degree for the 2018/2019 academic year, or be pre-enrolled in a FIB's Master in the 2017/2018.

Preference will be given to the students of the specializations Advanced Computing, Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Data Science or Service Engineering.


Setember 26th, 2018

More information on the web of the Master's degrees in the FIB and the following PDF(pdf in Spanish language).