DigiEduHack, educational hackaton on the 3rd and 4rth of October.
Wednesday 02 October 2019
DigiEduHack will take place at the North Campus of the UPC on the third and fourth of October. This is a hackaton at a global level where more than 50 venues are involved, and that expects more than 2,500 participants.
DigiEduHack intends to work 24 hours non-stop in a creative environment to identify the key challenges of education in the digital era. Although it will be hold at the same time in different countries, every city has a different challenge to solve.
The organisation rewards the winners of every venue, and the best innovations get 5,000€ each.
In the case of Barcelona, around 50 competitors will work on a challenge consisting of developing solutions to encourage women to choose technical studies, mainly in the IT field. The participants can opt for either working on a team or independently, and they will get practical support from experts and mentors, who will guide them in their quest for real-life solutions.
The educational hackaton is addressed to students, professors, education professionals, researchers and innovators. In addition to the challenge, some other activities will be carried out in a pleasing and enjoyable atmosphere.
If you are interested in signing up, you can also check the website and social networks:
Web: https://digieduhack.com/en/
DigiEduHack en Barcelona: https://digieduhack.com/en/barcelona-upc-energy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DigiEduHackBCN i https://twitter.com/DigiEduHack
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