e-Business refers to the strategical use of information and communication technologies to perform the activities of an organization. The ultimate purpose of any company is to provide products and services to users and customers through different business models that can be supported by e-Commerce technologies. But e-Business is a wider concept that includes activities that cover all business processes from back-office to front-office incorporating the relationships between the company itself and most agents in the value chain such as suppliers, distributors, retailers and customers.
e-Business has been a source of innovation opportunities in relation with products, processes, customers and suppliers and has been responsible for a good share of the productivity increase in almost all industries in the last two decades.
At e-Business we will look at that phenomenology from a strategic perspective, giving students inputs and insights to have them able to analyze or build a successful e-Business strategy.
Person in charge
Marcos Eguiguren Huerta (
Ferran Sabate Garriga (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Understanding the role of IT as a support for corporate strategy
Related competences:
Developing a research project in the field of e-Business
Related competences:
Analyzing the different types of e-Business tools and their impact on the business value chain
Related competences:
Information society. Organization of a company network. Ethical and social aspects.
E- Business, an introduction to the subject and main concepts on a company's structure and organization. Ethical aspects. Designing the strategy of a company, mission, market, structure and value chain. The role of technology.
Corporate information systems. Utility and strategic fit.
Analyzing the value chain and extracting opportunities for e-business implementation. Corporate information systems. Utility and strategic fit. Types of CIS. Different perspectives: users and functional. Corporate information systems. The role of CIS departments. How to organize and manage the information.
Guidelines for developing a research project in the field of e-business
Guidelines for developing a research project in the field of e-business. Presenting the research project. Presentation of the main results of the research. Bibliographic research. Project session working together in the final version of the scientific paper. Official delivery and presentation of the research paper in front of the Jury.
Information systems and their impact on the behavior of economic actors.
The design of MIS and its impact on the behavior of economic actors. Systems and corporate culture. How to evaluate economic impact, P&L, investments and ROI.
Strategic analysis of management systems in supply chain management (SCM)
Supply chain management. Description, its strategic role and the way it affects the value chain. Case or situation analysis.
Strategic analysis of management systems in customer relationship management (CRM)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Description, strategic role and how it affects the value chain. Case and situation analysis.
Strategic analysis of management systems in e-commerce business models
Management systems for electronic sales (e-commerce). Description, strategic role and how it affects the value chain. Case and situation analysis.
ActivityEvaluation act
Forming groups and introducing the e-Business subject
The students will interact with other colleagues in order to know each other and to form groups of three people that will remain stable during the course and that will be in charge of developing a research paper on e-Business and it impact on the value chain of corporations Objectives:2 Contents:
Designing the strategy of a company. Ethical issues, the role of technology
Describe the process of creating the strategy, analyze the areas in which ethics are more important. Mix strategy and value chain and see where technology can add more value
Theory: Ethics, business strategy and value chain
Guided learning: Teamwork to define the scope of the research to be done
Autonomous learning: Reading an article on the concept and importance of value chain
Guidelines for developing a research project in the field of e-business. Presenting the research project
It describes the steps to take to launch a research project to be published later and the groups will present the first draft of his own project
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
The design of MIS and its impact on the behavior of economic actors. Systems and corporate culture.
Looking at key elements for designing information systems from a corporate non technological perspective. looking at the impact on the behavior of people and culture.
Theory: MIS design. Systems and corporate culture
Problems: Incorporating cultural dimension to the research project
Laboratory: Analyzing the case of implementing a business intelligence tool to build BSC and its contribution to the business value chain
Autonomous learning: Reading chapters 1, 2, 3 and four "Sistemas de Información Gerencial", bibliography
Supply chain management. Description and role. How to evaluate economic impact of IT investments.
We will work on the concepts and contributions to the value chain of the SCM. We will also see its most strategic corporate role. We will also dig into the ways to analyze profitability of investments in technology.
Theory: Digging into SCM, concept and strategic scope. Ways to analyze economic profitability for IT investments.
Problems: Provide guidelines to incorporate economic dimension to the research and prepare to fulfill the guided activity
Guided learning: Working in groups to define how to incorporate the economic dimension, cost - benefit into the research
Autonomous learning: Read chapters 9 and 14 of the book "Sistemas de Información Gerencial" in Bibliography
Presenting the first results of the research activity
Presentation in front of the teacher of the first conclussions and outputs of the research and procedures for each of them Objectives:23 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Reviewing the concept of e-commerce. Guidelines for bibliographic research
In two separate phases, we will deepen in the concept of e-commerce, its contribution to the value chain and later we will give some guidelines for research and get bibliographic support to the research work that's being conducted
Theory: E-commerce concept and applications. Guidelines for bibliographic research
Problems: Incorporating bibliographic findings to the investigacion work
Guided learning: Writing the bibliography and footnotes on the research paper
Autonomous learning: Reading chapter 10 of the book SIG at Bibliography
Using Web Technologies to exploit commercial information in web pages and preparing the final presentation
We will work together to see how we can use technology to exploit the detailed information provided by the internet world. In addition, we will prepare the presentation of the final research paper.
Problems: Supervised classroom teamwork to prepare for the formal presentation of the research paper
Laboratory: Analyze a real case of usage of information technology on commercial websites using Big Data
Guided learning: Work on the final draft of the research project and its public presentation
Autonomous learning: Time for individual study toto strengthen the foundations of the results of the research
Final presentation of the research document, as a scientific paper, in front of a jury
Final presentation of the research document, as a scientific paper, in front of a jury Objectives:123 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Teaching methodology
During the lectures, classes will be complemented, depending on the subject, with examples of real e-business developments that enable students to gain practical ideas for the research work to be done in the problems and laboratory sessions and off classes.
Case studies will also form a fundamental part of this block.
In some cases, theory lectures will include short lectures of entrepreneurs or managers to provide real guidance on how he / she addressed the main issue the session is about.
Non theory sessions and off class workload will be devoted to state-of-the-art research on the field of e-business. The methodologies used range from group dynamics and brain storming to interviewing real entrepreneurs and doing bibliography and market research.
Evaluation methodology
The assessment is based on student presentations of their research paper in front of a jury comprising course faculty members and - optionally - another member of the teaching staff or guest professional.
Throughout the course there are three evaluative milestones:
- The presentation of the research project,
- The presentation of the initial results of the research,
- The presentation and analysis of the resulting paper.
The presentation simulates a professional and academical setting. Accordingly, the following aspects will also be assessed: dress, formal and well-structured communication, quality of the academical research and reliability of the sources, quality and adequacy of the conclusions, etc.
In order to be able to publicly defend the paper, students must have attended at least 70% of the classes and teams must have delivered on time the activities that have been planned. The plan is the result of teamwork, which will be reflected in the grade given to the group as a whole. Each member of the group will be responsible for a part of the project and will be graded individually on his or her contribution.
This approach is designed to foster teamwork in a quality research environment, in which members share responsibility for attaining a common objective.
Sistemas de información gerencial : administración de la empresa digital -
Laudon, Kenneth C; Laudon, Jane Pric; Núñez Ramos, Antonio,
Pearson Educación, 2007. ISBN: 9789702611912 http://cataleg.upc.edu/record=b1370244~S1*cat
E-business managerial aspects, solutions and case studies -
Cruz-Cunha, Maria Manuela; Varajao, Joao,
Business Science Reference, cop. 2011. ISBN: 9781609604639 http://cataleg.upc.edu/record=b1419288~S1*cat
How to write and publish a scientific paper -
DAY, Robert A.,
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Empresa 3.0 : políticas y valores corporativos en una cultura empresarial sostenible -
Eguiguren Huerta, Marcos; Barroso García, Esteban,
Pirámide, cop. 2011. ISBN: 978-84-368-2476-6 http://cataleg.upc.edu/record=b1388078~S1*cat
Cómo escribir para publicar en revistas académicas -
MURRAY, Rowena, Ediciones Deusto ,
It would be good if students had a basic knowledge of a company's organization and structure.
It would also be desirable that students, either because they have taken other related subjects in the past or from personal experience, knew the basics of topics like CRM or SCM since here we will use them to build a research project and the definitions in the classroom will be quite basic, just as a reminder.