Advanced Software Engineering

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Specialization complementary (Service Engineering)
This subject has not requirements, but it has got previous capacities
As systems and services become more pervasive, large-scale and complex, new methods are needed to deal with the complexity of conceiving them, designing them and implementing them. ASE will expose students to software engineering methods that provide them the ability to develop software systems and services in a more efficient and effective way. The presented methods will embrace the full range of software engineering activities, from requirements engineering to software validation, from formal models to practical artifacts, from products to processes. The program of the course will evolve continuously as new methods emerge and others become obsolete. Practical application to a project will be part of the course


Person in charge

  • Xavier Franch Gutiérrez ( )

Weekly hours

Guided learning
Autonomous learning


Technical Competences of each Specialization

Service engineering

  • CEE5.1 - Capability to participate in improvement projects or to create service systems, providing in particular: a) innovation and research proposals based on new uses and developments of information technologies, b) application of the most appropriate software engineering and databases principles when developing information systems, c) definition, installation and management of infrastructure / platform necessary for the efficient running of service systems.
  • CEE5.2 - Capability to apply obtained knowledge in any kind of service systems, being familiar with some of them, and thorough knowledge of eCommerce systems and their extensions (eBusiness, eOrganization, eGovernment, etc.).

Generic Technical Competences


  • CG2 - Capability to lead, plan and supervise multidisciplinary teams.

Transversal Competences

Sustainability and social commitment

  • CTR2 - Capability to know and understand the complexity of the typical economic and social phenomena of the welfare society. Capacity for being able to analyze and assess the social and environmental impact.


  • CTR6 - Capacity for critical, logical and mathematical reasoning. Capability to solve problems in their area of study. Capacity for abstraction: the capability to create and use models that reflect real situations. Capability to design and implement simple experiments, and analyze and interpret their results. Capacity for analysis, synthesis and evaluation.


  1. To get introduced to the current practices of software engineering
    Related competences:
  2. To apply software engineering methods and techniques in a project
    Related competences:


  1. Preliminaries
    Motivation. Software Engineering in the 201x. The fundamental principles of Software Engineering. Review of Software Engineering skills and knowledge. Review of Software Engineering life-cycle and activities.
  2. A guided tour to software engineering hot topics
    Summary of the topics that are currently focus of the discipline, in the context of the life-cycle activities: business modeling, requirements engineering, software architecture and design, implementation issues, validation and testing, deployment, project management. Every year, one of these topics will be chosen to be studied in more detail
  3. Agile software engineering
    Agile principles. Key concepts: sprint, backlog, product owner, ... Agile methods: SCRUM, Lean, Kanban. Agile project management. Documentation
  4. Empirical software engineering
    The importance of empirical methods in Software Engineering. Qualitative approaches and quantitative approaches. Experimentation. Surveys. Case studies. Systematic Literature Reviews
  5. The software engineering laboratory
    Main components in a software project environment. IDEs (Eclipse, ...). Code repositories (git). Issue trackers. Collaborative spaces.


Activity Evaluation act

Software engineering project

This is the only evaluation input for the course. The project will be organized into two-weekly iterations. Every iteration will have a concrete goal determined in the previous one. The evaluation of each iteration can be diverse: from presentations, to documentation, to hand-on experimentation
Objectives: 2
Week: 15
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Exposure to the theoretical background in software engineering

The student respectfully pay attention to the teachers' explanation The student participates actively in the lessons both under teacher's requests or by own initiative The student completes the (short) assignments proposed by the teacher
Objectives: 1
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Teaching methodology

The course is divided mainly into two parts.

In the first part, theoretical background is introduced to the student.

In the second part, the emphasis will be in the construction of a software product by teams of students. Additional theoretical concepts will be introduced whenever necessary. Teams will be sized depending on the number of students. Given the agile focus chosen for the course and also the intention to build non-trivial products, the target will be having teams among 5 and 7 students.

Evaluation methodology

The final grade (FG) of the the course for a students is obtained by applying an individual factor (IF) to the team project grade (PG):

FG = IF * PG (FG will be truncated to fit in the range [0, 10])

PG will be obtained by evaluating the completeness and quality of the artefacts (including presentations) delivered during the course by every team (Qual) and considering also the scope of the project (Scop, the more ambitious the project is, the higher value):

PG = Qual * Scop, 0.8 <= Scop <= 1.2, 0 <= Qual <= 10 (PG will be truncated to fit in the range [0, 10])

IF will be obtained from the perception of the teacher during the course, and may involve the opinion of the student team mates:

0 <= IF <= 10



  • Software Engineering, 9th Edition - Sommerville, Ian, Addison-Wesley, 2011. ISBN: 0-13-703515-1
  • Requirements engineering : from system goals to uml models to software specifications - Lamsweerde, Axel van, Wiley, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-470-01270-3*cat
  • Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, 3rd edition - Patton, Michael Quinn, SAGE Publications, 2002. ISBN: 0761919716
  • Agile estimating and planning - Cohn, Mike, Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference, cop. 2006. ISBN: 9780131479418*cat
  • User stories applied : for agile software development - Cohn, Mike, Addison-Wesley, cop. 2004. ISBN: 9780321205681*cat


Web links

Previous capacities

The students need a basic knowledge on traditional software engineering: basic life cycle paradigms, and basic notions of requirements engineering, software architecture and implementation skills.