The main objective of this course is to provide the students with a wide understanding of the state of the art in human computing interaction concepts. Perception and cognition topics are esential to design interactive systems. Special attention will be paid on pervasive computing and Ambient Intelligence where the central object of study are people surrounded by intelligent systems and enhanced environments capable to monitorize and/or interact in a user friendly way. The user-centered design methodology will be the most used throughout the course.
Person in charge
Andreu Catala Mallofre (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Generic Technical Competences
CG1 - Capability to plan, design and implement products, processes, services and facilities in all areas of Artificial Intelligence.
CG3 - Capacity for modeling, calculation, simulation, development and implementation in technology and company engineering centers, particularly in research, development and innovation in all areas related to Artificial Intelligence.
Technical Competences of each Specialization
CEA10 - Capability to understand advanced techniques of Human-Computer Interaction, and to know how to design, implement and apply these techniques in the development of intelligent applications, services or systems.
CEP3 - Capacity for applying Artificial Intelligence techniques in technological and industrial environments to improve quality and productivity.
CEP4 - Capability to design, write and report about computer science projects in the specific area of ??Artificial Intelligence.
CEP6 - Capability to assimilate and integrate the changing economic, social and technological environment to the objectives and procedures of informatic work in intelligent systems.
CEP7 - Capability to respect the legal rules and deontology in professional practice.
Transversal Competences
CT3 - Ability to work as a member of an interdisciplinary team, as a normal member or performing direction tasks, in order to develop projects with pragmatism and sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources.
Appropiate attitude towards work
CT5 - Capability to be motivated for professional development, to meet new challenges and for continuous improvement. Capability to work in situations with lack of information.
Analisis y sintesis
CT7 - Capability to analyze and solve complex technical problems.
Acquiring Human-Computer Interaction general methodology
Related competences:
Principles of human-computer interaction.
User centered design, user needs elicitation and ergonomics principles.
Contexts of use, and functional requirements.
User-system communication design.
Project management principles.
Principles of human information processing, performance, learning and cognition.
Sensation and perception.
Cognitive basis of emotions. Cognitive engineering.
Multimodal interaction.
Pervasive Computing
Principles and technology overview.
Operating Systems.
Location and context awareness.
Ubiquitius interfaces.
Person centered Ambient Intelligence
Smart environments. Principles and technologies of Ambient Intelligent design.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL): requirements and solutions.
Ethics in AAL: privacy, autonomy, integrity, reliability, e-inclusion, technology in the society, ...
Methodology will be based on two kind of activities: theory and practice. Theory will be developed arround specific topics with the following scheme:
- Plenary conferences given by the teacher
- Self-study sessions done by the students on a related topic
- Students presentations about the conclusions on the topic (presentations will be part of the evaluation activities)
Practice aspect will follow a Project Based Learning approach:
1.The student should do a literature review of the field, detecting the most important research groups, patents and projects in his area of interest
2.Design of a real project based on a use case
3.Detailed analysis of the most convenient architecture and algorithmia.
4.Technologies and innovative aspects of the proposed solution
A presentation of the final project will be part of the evaluation process
Evaluation methodology
Evaluation will be according the implemented methodology for the course. The student will get a FINAL MARK mainly based on a continous evaluation scheme. A personal Final Exam based on theory aspects will be done, with a specific weight in the Final Mark.
Final Mark = 0,4 PROJECT evolution mark + 0,3 PROJECT final assessment + 0,15 Presentation and reporting of theory sessions + 0,15 Final Exam mark.
- The evolution of the project will be based on a number of scheduled sessions that will be evaluated by the professors and the students (some of them)
- The final assessment of the Project will be done in a public presentation session at the end of the semester. This session will be evaluated by the professors and the students. Students will be asked to submitt a complete report of the Project that will be evaluated by the professors, but will be available to all the students for their information.
- After some specific theory sessions, the students will be asked to prepare a related subjet that they will present to the audience. The professors and the students will evaluate this session (with different weights in the marks) and a report will be submitted after this presentation. Professors will consider these reports in the professors' evaluation.
- In the final exam, the student will be asked to answer some specific questions related to the theory aspects developed along the course.