En l'assignatura de VLSI, l'alumne aprendrà el procés de disseny i fabricació dels microprocessadors com a exemple de circuit integrat. Els continguts de l'assignatura cobreixen les àrees de disseny VLSI i de circuits integrats. En concret, els temes tractats seran el de tecnologia CMOS, disseny de circuits (seqüencials i combinacionals), avaluació del retard i consum dels dissenys, metodologia i fases del disseny i impacte de la tecnologia en el disseny. L'avaluació de l'assignatura es farà mitjançant dos exàmens durant el curs (o opcionalment un final) i l'elaboració de les pràctiques del curs.
Person in charge
Ramon Canal Corretger (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Transversal Competences
Sustainability and social commitment
G2 [Avaluable] - To know and understand the complexity of the economic and social phenomena typical of the welfare society. To be capable of analyse and evaluate the social and environmental impact.
- To take into account the social, economical and environmental dimensions, and the privacy right when applying solutions and carry out project which will be coherent with the human development and sustainability.
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Computer engineering specialization
CEC1 - To design and build digital systems, including computers, systems based on microprocessors and communications systems.
- To design/configure an integrated circuit using the adequate software tools.
CEC3 - To develop and analyse hardware and software for embedded and/or very low consumption systems.
- To develop specific processors and embedded systems; to develop and optimize the software of these systems.
Understand the steps of VLSI circuit design. Get to know the tools available at each point.
Related competences:
Evaluate the VLSI circuits according to a set of figures of merit which include the economic and environmental evaluation
Related competences:
Get to know Hardware Description Languages. Be able to program simple structures in one of them
Related competences:
Describe the operation and programming simple memory structures.
Related competences:
Describe the operation and programming simple combinational structures.
Related competences:
Implement at the physical level an optimization of certain memory blocks and combinational structures.
Related competences:
Understand the evolution of circuit manufacturing technology, be able to understand the economic and social impact.
Related competences:
1. Introduction to VLSI technology
Historical perspective of VLSI manufacturing technologies and IC design. Current situation and forecast.
2. Steps of VLSI Design
Description of the steps and tools used in VLSI design, from system specification to the implementation in an integrated circuit
3. Figures of merit
Description of the figures of merit (area, delay and consumption) of integrated circuits and how to get an estimate before having made the circuit.
4. Introduction to HDLs
Description of existing hardware description languages, comparative advantages and disadvantages. Programming of small structures.
5. Microprocessor structures: Memories
Description of existing memory structures for microprocessors. HDLs description and evaluation in the figures of merit.
6. Microprocessor structures: ALUs and combinational elements
Description of existing combinational structures in microprocessors. HDLs description and evaluation.
7. Layout and full-custom design
Introduction to full-custom design and layout.
ActivityEvaluation act
Final Exam
Final Exam in case the student fails the mid-term exams Objectives:123456 Week:
15 (Outside class hours)
Lectures will cover the fundamentals, the participation of the student is scarce.
Problem classes will develop the concepts learnt in the lectures. The student is actively participating.
Lab sessions will give a hands-on experience on the concepts developed in the problem sessions and explained in the lectures. The student is actively participating and working in a group.
The course is based on the previous courses taught in this specialization. At each point the course, the student will build on top of his previous knowledge.
Evaluation methodology
Mid-term1: Review of first 5 chapters
Mid-term2: Review of last 3 chapters
Final: final exam
Lab Review: evaluated on the basis of reports submitted in each of the sessions and, if appropriate, a personal interview
Final mark (NF) = 0.8 x max (final, 0.5 x Mid-term1 + 0.5 x Mid-term2) 0.2 x Lab
The level of achievement of the generic competence is assessed indirectly from the final mark as follows:
A if (NF>8.5), B if (NF>7), C if (NF>5), D otherwise