The subject of Internet Protocols deals with the architecture of the Internet, how to design an Internet Service Provider (ISP), how to design a Data Processing Centre (DPC), and how to design the Information Technology (IT) department of a corporation.
Person in charge
Jose Maria Barceló Ordinas (
Llorenç Cerdà Alabern (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Technical Competences
Common technical competencies
CT3 - To demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the organizational, economic and legal context where her work is developed (proper knowledge about the company concept, the institutional and legal framework of the company and its organization and management)
- To demonstrate knowledge about the ethical dimension of the company: in general, the social and corporative responsibility and, concretely, the civil and professional responsibilities of the informatics engineer.
CT6 - To demonstrate knowledge and comprehension about the internal operation of a computer and about the operation of communications between computers.
- To demonstrate knowledge and capacity to manage and maintain computer systems, services and applications.
- To demonstrate knowledge and capacity to apply the characteristics, functionalities and structure of the Distributed Systems and Computer and Internet Networks guaranteeing its use and management, as well as the design and implementation of application based on them.
CT7 - To evaluate and select hardware and software production platforms for executing applications and computer services.
- To demonstrate knowledge about metrics of quality and be able to use them.
- To evaluate hardware/software systems in function of a determined criteria of quality.
- To determine the factors that affect negatively the security and reliability of a hardware/software system, and minimize its effects.
CT8 - To plan, conceive, deploy and manage computer projects, services and systems in every field, to lead the start-up, the continuous improvement and to value the economical and social impact.
- To identify current and emerging technologies and evaluate if they are applicable, to satisfy the users needs.
- To elaborate the list of technical conditions for a computers installation fulfilling all the current standards and normative.
Technical Competences of each Specialization
Information technology specialization
CTI1 - To define, plan and manage the installation of the ICT infrastructure of the organization.
- To demonstrate understanding the environment of an organization and its needs in the field of the information and communication technologies.
- To select, design, deploy, integrate, evaluate, build, manage, exploit and maintain the hardware, software and network technologies, according to the adequate cost and quality parameters.
CTI2 - To guarantee that the ICT systems of an organization operate adequately, are secure and adequately installed, documented, personalized, maintained, updated and substituted, and the people of the organization receive a correct ICT support.
- To manage, plan and coordinate the management of the computers infrastructure: hardware, software, networks and communications.
- To demonstrate comprehension, apply and manage the reliability and security of the computer systems (CEI C6).
CTI3 - To design solutions which integrate hardware, software and communication technologies (and capacity to develop specific solutions of systems software) for distributed systems and ubiquitous computation devices.
- To design, establish and configure networks and services.
CTI4 - To use methodologies centred on the user and the organization to develop, evaluate and manage applications and systems based on the information technologies which ensure the accessibility, ergonomics and usability of the systems.
Transversal Competences
Appropiate attitude towards work
G8 [Avaluable] - To have motivation to be professional and to face new challenges, have a width vision of the possibilities of the career in the field of informatics engineering. To feel motivated for the quality and the continuous improvement, and behave rigorously in the professional development. Capacity to adapt oneself to organizational or technological changes. Capacity to work in situations with information shortage and/or time and/or resources restrictions.
- To be motivated for the professional development, to face new challenges and the continuous improvement. To have capacity to work in situations with a lack of information.
Being able to understand the architecture and structure of the Internet, identifying the various elements that form that architecture and structure.
Related competences:
Being able to design and dimension the intra-domain routing of a corporate network and an Internet Service Provider
Related competences:
Being able to design and dimension the inter-domain routing in Internet Service Providers, as well as business relationships with each other.
Related competences:
Capability of adaptation in front of situations with lack of information and/or changes in the initial requirements.
Related competences:
Have a positive attitude for the quality and continius improvement.
Related competences:
Internet Architecture and Addressing.
Internet Architecture: ISP's, corporate networks and access networks,
Organizations that manage the operation of businesses on the Internet: RIR (Regional Internet Registers), LIR (Local Internet Registries),
An Introduction to Content Distribution Networks (CDN),
Exchange Points.
Addressing Internet. IPv6.
Corporate Network: switching blocks.
Ethernet switching.
Virtual Networks (VLANs, IEEE 802.1Q) and aggregation (IEEE 802.3ad).
Reliability level 2: Spanning Tree Protocol (IEEE 802.1D).
Reliability Level 3: VRRP.
Design of the switching block. Data Processing Centre (CPD): design and basic concepts.
Intra-domain Routing
Basics for routing,
Link state routing,
Dijkstra algorithm,
Inter-domain Routing.
Autonomous systems.
BGP (internal/external), attributes, multi-homing, load balancing.
Scalability in BGP: route reflectors and confederations.
Design of an ISP: intra-domain/inter-domain.
Applications and Services
An introduction to Multimedia Services.
Compression in Multimedia: Spatial Compression and Temporal Compression
Quality of Service on the Internet: IntServ versus DifServ
Encapsulation and Signaling Protocols in Multimedia.
Deep Web.
ActivityEvaluation act
Theme Development "Internet Architecture and Addressing"
During this activity the student will learn the architecture of the Internet, the basic components that architecture, addressing the problems of the Internet and its impact on different elements.
Development of the "Intra-domain Routing" contents
During this activity students will learn the basic theories behind the routing protocols to link state, OSPF student as a representative of this class of protocols. Also learn the applications and their use in corporate networks and ISPs.
Theory: Development of the Intra-domain Routing issue
Autonomous learning: Study of Intra-domain Routing issue
In this activity the students will study BGPv4 as a representative of the routing between Autonomous Systems. Learn to design an ISP, relating to the external service routing. In addition, the work load balancing through multihoming techniques.
Theory: Development topic Inter-domain Routing
Autonomous learning: Study topic Inter-domain Routing
During this activity, services provided by Internet service providers (ISPs) will be studied, as well as multimedia applications, and a brief introduction to Internet quality of service and multimedia signalling protocols.
Theory: Explanation of the content of the topic "Applications and Services"
Autonomous learning: Study of Applications and Services item
Laboratories where are implemented techniques for the design of corporate networks, both in the switching unit as in the CPD. Objectives:1687910 Contents:
The course consists of lectures combined with exercises where students learn the theoretical foundations of the subject.
In addition, students must make a written work an issue will be proposed at the beginning of the course. Students should seek information on the topic and defend the chosen topic, presenting the relevant technological aspect, systems integration, adaptability and other aspects.
There will be 6 laboratories that complement the theory. These laboratories are generally solved in groups of 10/20 students depending on the practice. They will solve a modular network. Every 2 students design and program a part of the network so that in the end, all modules are to form a whole that works. Are encouraged to work on one side in teams of 2, to solve your module, and coordinate with the other modules to work on everything. Each of the 6 Labs, is an aspect of the topics covered in class. It is essential the understanding of the theory (works responsibilities) for the lab work.
At the end of the Lab, students do a mini-control 10-minute test that assesses the knowledge acquired during the Lab's. The average of teh mini controls represents 25% of the final mark of Lab
At the end of this course the student takes a final test that includes questions of all lab values ¿¿and where global knowledge of a large network in all modules.
Evaluation methodology
The course consists of lectures and laboratory. In the lectures it will be explained the concepts and issues. The student will have a collection of exercises to be solved in class.
The laboratory is an important part of the course. At the end of each session there will be a mini-exam or presentation.
The student must prepare a topic related to the theory and will defend it orally in public.
Grading of technical skills:
NF = 0.20 * NL + 0.10*PO + 0.35 * C1 + 0.35 * C2
NF = Mark at the end of the course.
C1 = Mark of partial exam (approx. in week 7-8), topics 1 and 2.
C2 = Mark of partial exam (in period of final exams), topics 3 to 6.
EF = Mark of Final exam (topic 1 to topic 6)
PO = oral presentation or written work (maxim in groups of 3 students).
NL = Final Laboratory mark. Will be calculated based on the average of the practices (25%) and grade the final exam laboratory (75%).
Grading of transversal skills:
NCT = 0.4 * PO + 0.3*Actividad_Lab + 0.3 * NL.
NCT= Transversal Skills mark
PO = oral presentation (the previous one).
Actividad_Lab= activity/participation of the student in the lab
NL = Final Lab mark.
To be normalized to A, B, C or D (where A corresponds to an excellent standard, B corresponds to a desired level, C corresponds to a sufficient level and D corresponds to a level not exceeded).