The goal of this subject is to work in a multi-disciplinary project taking base on a challenge defined by a company. The students will work in groups of 4, mentored by the company and advised by the faculty staff, to provide solutions to the challenge. The challenges will vary depending on the participation of the companies, but typically they have strong innovative and research components. The subject is intended for 4th year students that have at least 168 ECTS credits.
Person in charge
David Rovirosa Calvet (
Mireia Fageda Bertran (
Alberto Cabellos Aparicio (
Josep Sole Pareta (
Pere Barlet Ros (
Transversal Competences
G5 [Avaluable] - To be capable to work as a team member, being just one more member or performing management tasks, with the finality of contributing to develop projects in a pragmatic way and with responsibility sense; to assume compromises taking into account the available resources.
- To identify the roles, skills and weaknesses of the different members of the group. To propose improvements in the group structure. To interact with efficacy and professionalism. To negotiate and manage conflicts in the group. To recognize and give support or assume the leader role in the working group. To evaluate and present the results of the tasks of the group. To represent the group in negotiation involving other people. Capacity to collaborate in a multidisciplinary environment. To know and apply the techniques for promoting the creativity.
Entrepreneurship and innovation
G1 [Avaluable] - To know and understand the organization of a company and the sciences which govern its activity; capacity to understand the labour rules and the relation between planning, industrial and business strategies, quality and benefit. To develop creativity, entrepreneur spirit and innovation tendency.
- To have initiatives which generate opportunities, new objects or solutions, with a process and market implementation vision, and to imply other team members in projects which have to be developed (capacity to perform autonomously).
Effective oral and written communication
G4 [Avaluable] - To communicate with other people knowledge, procedures, results and ideas orally and in a written way. To participate in discussions about topics related to the activity of a technical informatics engineer.
- To communicate clearly and efficiently in oral and written presentations about complex topics, becoming adapted to the situation, the type of audience and the communication goals, using the strategies and the adequate means. To analyse, value and respond adequately to the questions of the audience.
Technical Competences
Common technical competencies
CT2 - To use properly theories, procedures and tools in the professional development of the informatics engineering in all its fields (specification, design, implementation, deployment and products evaluation) demonstrating the comprehension of the adopted compromises in the design decisions.
- To design, develop, select and evaluate computer applications, systems and services and, at the same time, ensure its reliability, security and quality in function of ethical principles and the current legislation and normative.
CT3 - To demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the organizational, economic and legal context where her work is developed (proper knowledge about the company concept, the institutional and legal framework of the company and its organization and management)
- To demonstrate knowledge about the ethical dimension of the company: in general, the social and corporative responsibility and, concretely, the civil and professional responsibilities of the informatics engineer.
CT8 - To plan, conceive, deploy and manage computer projects, services and systems in every field, to lead the start-up, the continuous improvement and to value the economical and social impact.
- To identify current and emerging technologies and evaluate if they are applicable, to satisfy the users needs.
Discuss, agree and prepare a project proposal with a group of students. Define the proposal with the appropriate scope.
Related competences:
Plan a project and manage the work among the team members.
Related competences:
Apply the knowledge learned during the studies to successfully design and implement an engineering project.
Related competences:
Choose the appropriate technologies to fulfill the requirements of the project proposal.
Related competences:
Demonstrate, present and defend a project.
Related competences:
Prepare and write the documentation of an engineering project.
Related competences:
Creative Thinking
La Empresa actúa como cliente planteando un problema/reto. Los estudiantes deben plantear un producto/tecnología que solucione dicho problema.
System Thinking
Los estudiantes deben plantear un sistema completo, usualmente multi-disciplinar. La solución se negocia con la empresa
Engineering Design
Los estudiantes definirán un proyecto de ingeniería (Objetivos, Paquetes de Trabajo, Gantt, Deliverables, etc) que implementarán. La metodología de trabajo vendrá definida por la empresa.
Team Work
Los estudiantes desarrollarán las diferentes partes del sistema (adaptándose cuando sea posible a su especialidad) usando una metodología definida por la empresa. En esta fase se incluyen reuniones de seguimiento y deliverables que deben ser aprobados por la empresa.
Projecte defense
Los estudiantes demuestran y defienden su proyecto ante la Empresa
La metodología docente que se aplica es la de aprendizaje basado en proyectos (Project-Based Learning). El principal objetivo es definir, especificar, implementar y defender un proyecto que de respuesta a un reto definido por una empresa. El reto incorpora un fuerte componente de innovación y para encontrar soluciones se seguirá la metodología Design-Thinking.
La asignatura esta organizada en tres fases, en la primera fase los estudiantes, en grupos de 4, plantearán, diseñarán y planificarán una solución al reto. En esta fase se elabora una propuesta de proyecto que consiste en la preparación y escritura de un documento que debe ser debatido con el profesor así como con la Empresa.
En la segunda fase el grupo implementará el proyecto, esta fase incluye reuniones de seguimiento con el profesorado, horas de consultoría técnica con expertos así como reuniones con la Empresa.
La tercera fase consiste en la defensa del proyecto incluyendo una presentación oral, una demostración así como la entrega del documento técnico del proyecto. Esta defensa se realizará ante los demás grupos, el profesorado y la Empresa.
Evaluation methodology
Tipo de evaluación: Asignatura que se evalúa en período de exámenes
NF=0.25*Propuesta + 0.25 * Seguimiento + 0.5 * Defensa
Propuesta= Nota de la propuesta del proyecto
Seguimiento= Nota de la presentación de seguimiento del proyecto
NCT1 = Nota Competencia Transversal EMPRENEDORIA I INNOVACIÓ
NCT2 = Nota Competencia Transversal COMUNICACIÓ EFICAÇ ORAL i ESCRITA
NCT3 = Nota Competencia Transversal TREBALL EN EQUIP
Se normalizará a A,B,C o D (donde A corresponde a un nivel excelente, B a un nivel bueno, C a uno suficiente y D corresponde a un nivel no superado).