This subject has two parts. In the first part we focus on propositional and predicate logic and mathematical reasoning that are needed for the curriculum. The second part deals with the basic concepts of integer arithmetic, such as divisibility and congruence relations.
Person in charge
Rafel Farré Cirera (
Aitor Sort Nadal (
Andreu Bellés Roca (
Eric López Platón (
Fernando Martínez Sáez (
Francesc Tiñena Salvañà (
Gemma Alsina Ruiz (
Guillermo González Casado (
Jaume Marti Farre (
Lluis Vena Cros (
Maria Isabel Gonzalez Perez (
Mariona González Esteve (
Mónica Sanchez Soler (
Montserrat Maureso Sánchez (
Roberto Gualdi (
Victoria Graffigna (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Technical Competences
Common technical competencies
CT1 - To demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories related to informatics and their disciplines of reference.
- To interpret, select and value concepts, theories, uses and technological developments related to computer science and its application derived from the needed fundamentals of mathematics, statistics and physics. Capacity to solve the mathematical problems presented in engineering. Talent to apply the knowledge about: algebra, differential and integral calculus and numeric methods; statistics and optimization.
- To use properly theories, procedures and tools in the professional development of the informatics engineering in all its fields (specification, design, implementation, deployment and products evaluation) demonstrating the comprehension of the adopted compromises in the design decisions.
Transversal Competences
G9 [Avaluable] - Capacity of critical, logical and mathematical reasoning. Capacity to solve problems in her study area. Abstraction capacity: capacity to create and use models that reflect real situations. Capacity to design and perform simple experiments and analyse and interpret its results. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation capacity.
- Critical, logical and mathematical reasoning capacity. Capacity to understand abstraction and use it properly.
To understand the importance of language in scientific communication and the need to refine it and define it to avoid, as far as possible, the ambiguity.
Related competences:
To understand what a mathematical proof is and to know the main types of proofs which the student may meet
Related competences:
Understanding the language of sets as an essential tool in mathematical communication and also as an instrument
Related competences:
Understanding the language of mappings as a way to define and to study correspondences and rules
Related competences:
To understand that we cannot prove that a certain property is valid for infinitely many numbers by testing the property one number at a time but that we must use some principle that makes possible the proof
Related competences:
To understand the properties of the divisibility of integers, to calculate the greatest common divisor using Euclid's algorithm and to write Bézout's identity of two integers. To calculate small prime numbers and to understand the difficulty of performing integer factorization.
Related competences:
To u nderstand the concept of congruence and to be able of computing with congruences. To apply the language of congruences to solve arithmetic problems.
Related competences:
The principle of induction
Induction. Complete induction.
Sets and elements, the membership relation. Elementary operations with sets. Relations. Equivalence relations and quotient set.
Functions. Injectivity and surjectivity. Inverse function. Image and pre-imaging. Composition.
Divisibility of integers
The divisibility relation in the set of integers. The division theorem. Primes. Infinitude of primes. Sieve of Eratosthenes. Greatest common divisor and least common multiple. Euclidean algorithm. Bézout's identity. Gauss Lemma.
Congruences of integers
The relation of congruence. Operations with congruences. Modular inverse: calculation. Congruence classes and the quotient group Zn. Operations with congruence classes.
Applications of congruences
Modular exponentiation. Linear equations in congruences. The chinese remainder theorem. The RSA cryptography systgem.
In theoretical classes the theoretical content of the course is taught and illustrated with examples. In workshops students, guided by the teacher, will work topics explained in theoretical classes.
Evaluation methodology
* There are two midterm exams, not in class time, (35% each one). Rating: P1 and P2 (both out of 10).
* The goal achievements in the laboratory sessions will be also considered (20%). Rating: L (out of 10)
*There will be several ATENEA tests (10%). Rating: A (out of 10)
* The continuous evaluation mark AC is obtained as follows:
AC= 0.35*P1+0.35*P2+0.2*L+0.1*A
*Students can take the final exam (100%). Rating :F (out of 10)
* The course grade is the maximum between AC and F: max (AC, F)
Due to the particularities of the subject, the grade for the cross competition will be calculated from the course grade as follows:
* between 0 and 4.9 : D
* between 5 to 6.9 : C
* between 7 and 8.4 : B
* between 8.5 and 10 : A
Apunts de FONAMENTS MATEMÀTICS, part 1 -
Farré, Rafel,
Apunts de FONAMENTS MATEMÀTICS, part 2 -
Farré, Rafel,