Social and Environmental Issues Od Information Technologies

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This subject has not requirements, but it has got previous capacities
In this subject, students study the environmental and social effects and impact of information technology, its history and the legislation that affects it. All the while, they should not overlook ethical aspects and professional ethics. The generic character of the subject matter and the practical impossibility of addressing the field in its entirety also mean that students must be able to make critical readings of the diverse range of general texts covered in the subject.


Person in charge

  • María José Casañ Guerrero ( )


  • Marc Alier Forment ( )
  • Pau Carbonell Vives ( )

Weekly hours

Guided learning
Autonomous learning


Technical Competences

Common technical competencies

  • CT3 - To demonstrate knowledge and comprehension of the organizational, economic and legal context where her work is developed (proper knowledge about the company concept, the institutional and legal framework of the company and its organization and management)
    • CT3.6 - To demonstrate knowledge about the ethical dimension of the company: in general, the social and corporative responsibility and, concretely, the civil and professional responsibilities of the informatics engineer.
    • CT3.7 - To demonstrate knowledge about the normative and regulation of informatics in a national, European and international scope.

Transversal Competences

Sustainability and social commitment

  • G2 [Avaluable] - To know and understand the complexity of the economic and social phenomena typical of the welfare society. To be capable of analyse and evaluate the social and environmental impact.
    • G2.3 - To take into account the social, economical and environmental dimensions, and the privacy right when applying solutions and carry out project which will be coherent with the human development and sustainability.

Effective oral and written communication

  • G4 [Avaluable] - To communicate with other people knowledge, procedures, results and ideas orally and in a written way. To participate in discussions about topics related to the activity of a technical informatics engineer.
    • G4.2 - To use strategies to prepare and perform oral presentations and write texts and documents with a coherent content, adequate structure and style and a good orthographic and grammatical level. To perform an oral presentation in front of a limited audience. To choose properly the contents, style, timing and format of the presentation. To be capable of communicating effectively with the user in a non-technical language, and understand its needs.


  1. Knowledge about legal issues arising from the use of computing, and the legislation in force and its impact on professionals.
    Related competences: CT3.6, G2.3, CT3.7,
  2. Ability to cope with ethical issues and codes of practice in the computing field, the impact of computing on the environment, and the issue of sustainable development in today"s world.
    Related competences: G2.2, G2.1, G2.3,
  3. Knowing how to make public presentations on the historic, social and environmental aspects of computing.
    Related competences: G4.2, G2.3,
  4. Knowing how to write essays on computing and its social and environmental impact.
    Related competences: G4.2, G2.1, G2.3,
  5. Ability to study and analyze problems in a critical mood.
    Related competences: G2.1, G2.3,
  6. Ability to critically read texts on computing, its impact and history.
    Related competences: G2.1, G2.3,
  7. Ability to analize the social and environmental impact of science and technology with particular reference to computing and problems of sustainable development.
    Related competences: G2.1, G2.3,


  1. Society and technological change
    1.1 Science and technology
    1.2 The process of technological change
    1.3 The diffusion of technology
    1.4 The technology and its creators
    1.5 The organization and technological change
  2. Social aspects of de computing
    2.1 The acceleration of technological change and its effects
    - The multiplier factor of ICT
    - Moore's Law
    - Metcalfe's law
    - Law of Fracture (Negroponte)
    - Gartner's hype curve
    - Conway law
    2.2 Some social and economic aspects of ICT
    - The future of work
    - Exponential organizations
    - Vigilance Capitalism
    - Social aspects of the application of machine learning algorithms
  3. ICT's environmental aspects
    3.1 Computers and the Environment
    3.2 The problem of computer waste
    3.3 Computing and sustainability,
  4. The computing professional: ethics and duties
    4.1 The IT profession
    4.2 Why is it important to study ethics?
    4.3 Ethics, moral, culture and values
    4.4 Ethical theories
    4.5 Ethics and professional ethics in computing
    4.6 Deontological codes in computing
  5. Computing Law: the legislation affecting computing professionals
    5.1 Computers and Law: fraud and computer crimes
    5.2 The legal protection of personal data (LPDP)
    5.3 The legal protection of software
    5.4 Laws on Internet (LSSICE)
  6. General history of computing
    6.1 The specificity of the history of computing
    6.2 Historical Background
    - The mechanical calculators and analogue
    - Projects of C. Babbage
    - The tabs
    6.3 The proto-electromechanical computers
    6.4 The first electronic computer: the Von Neumann architecture
    6.5 - The computers of the classical computer
    6.6 - Evolution of technology and software
    6.7 - Mini and micro
    6.8 - History of the Internet
    6.9 - History of artificial intelligence


Activity Evaluation act

Development of theme 1: society and technology changes

In the lectures of the professor, students listen respectfully, take notes and ask questions to clarify doubts. In sessions in which some students do presentations, most students follow the same task when there are lectures by teacher; while students who are presenting the subject, had to prepare it, if necessary with help from the teacher, and expose the subject to the class with the aid of some presentation tools (Impress, Powerpoint, etc..), after having prepared also a text summary of the subject (both text and presentation, must be in possession of the teacher with, at least, one day in advance of the meeting presentation).
  • Theory: Development of theme 1: society and technology changes
  • Guided learning: Development of theme 1: society and technology changes
Objectives: 7 5
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Development of theme 2: Social aspects of Computing

In the lectures of the professor, students listen respectfully, take notes and ask questions to clarify doubts. In sessions in which some students do presentations, most students follow the same task when there are lectures by teacher; while students who are presenting the subject, had to prepare it, if necessary with help from the teacher, and expose the subject to the class with the aid of some presentation tools (Impress, Powerpoint, etc..), after having prepared also a text summary of the subject (both text and presentation, must be in possession of the teacher with, at least, one day in advance of the meeting presentation). Students prepare and study a case study with the help, if necessary, of the teacher, and deliver the answers to questions proposed by the teacher.
  • Theory: Development of theme 2: Impact of Social Computing
  • Problems: Development of theme 2: Impact of Social Computing
  • Guided learning: Development of theme 2: Impact of Social Computing
  • Autonomous learning: Development of theme 2: Impact of Social Computing
Objectives: 7 6 3 5
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Development of Theme 3: Environmental aspects of the infotecnologies

In the lectures of the professor, students listen respectfully, take notes and ask questions to clarify doubts. In sessions in which some students do presentations, most students follow the same task when there are lectures by teacher; while students who are presenting the subject, had to prepare it, if necessary with help from the teacher, and expose the subject to the class with the aid of some presentation tools (Impress, Powerpoint, etc..), after having prepared also a text summary of the subject (both text and presentation, must be in possession of the teacher with, at least, one day in advance of the meeting presentation). Students prepare and study a case study with the help, if necessary, of the teacher, and deliver the answers to questions proposed by the teacher.
  • Theory: Development of Theme 3: Impact of environmental infotecnologies
  • Problems: Development of Theme 3: Impact of environmental infotecnologies
  • Guided learning: Development of Theme 3: Environmental impact of infotecnologies
  • Autonomous learning: Development of Theme 3: Environmental impact of infotecnologies
Objectives: 7 2 6 3 5
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Development of item 4: The profession: ethics and professional responsibility

In the lectures of the professor, students listen respectfully, take notes and ask questions to clarify doubts. In sessions in which some students do presentations, most students follow the same task when there are lectures by teacher; while students who are presenting the subject, had to prepare it, if necessary with help from the teacher, and expose the subject to the class with the aid of some presentation tools (Impress, Powerpoint, etc..), after having prepared also a text summary of the subject (both text and presentation, must be in possession of the teacher with, at least, one day in advance of the meeting presentation). Students prepare and study a case study with the help, if necessary, of the teacher, and deliver the answers to questions proposed by the teacher.
  • Theory: Development of item 4: The profession: ethics and professional responsibility
  • Problems: Development of item 4: The profession: ethics and professional responsibility
  • Guided learning: Development of item 4: The profession: ethics and professional responsibility
  • Autonomous learning: Development of item 4: The profession: ethics and professional responsibility
Objectives: 7 2 3 5
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Development of item 5: Computer Law: laws affecting computer professionals

In the lectures of the professor, students listen respectfully, take notes and ask questions to clarify doubts. In sessions in which some students do presentations, most students follow the same task when there are lectures by teacher; while students who are presenting the subject, had to prepare it, if necessary with help from the teacher, and expose the subject to the class with the aid of some presentation tools (Impress, Powerpoint, etc..), after having prepared also a text summary of the subject (both text and presentation, must be in possession of the teacher with, at least, one day in advance of the meeting presentation).
  • Theory: Development of item 5: Computer Law: laws affecting computer professionals
  • Problems: Development of item 5: Computer Law: laws affecting computer professionals
  • Guided learning: Development of item 5: Computer Law: laws affecting computer professionals
  • Autonomous learning: Development of item 5: Computer Law: laws affecting computer professionals
Objectives: 7 1 6 3 5
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Development of item 6: General History of computing

While some students are making presentations or the teaching staff is explaining, most students continue listening respectfully and taking notes. They can also contribute to the topic that is being discussed.
  • Theory: Development of item 6: General History of computing
  • Problems: Development of item 6: General History of computing
  • Guided learning: Development of item 6: General History of computing
  • Autonomous learning: Development of item 6: General History of computing
Objectives: 7 6 3 5
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Book report about the units of the program

Reading, study and presentation by student
  • Problems: Brief presentation in class by student
  • Autonomous learning: Reading, study by students
Objectives: 7 6 4 5
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Vision and discussion about some ad hoc documentaries

Visualization of the documentary, discussion in small groups, writing down each group with the ideas that are highly suggestive or main for the documentary. Each group must present a document delivering the list of the main ideas suggested by the documentary. Individually, each student will submit a document with his critical opinion on the documentary.
  • Problems: Vision and discussion of some ad hoc documentaries

Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Final exam

Final exam
Objectives: 7 1 2 6 5
Week: 15 (Outside class hours)
Guided learning
Autonomous learning

Teaching methodology

The specific organization of these 6 credits (four hours of class per week in a semester) aims to combine professorial lectures and practical work assessed throughout the course. It is necessary to work continuously throughout the semester, making class attendance essential.

Evaluation methodology

The final mark of this course is calculated following one of the next methods:
1) Final Mark = CA
2) Final Mark= max(FE,(0.5*FE+0.5*CA))
where CA= Continuous Assesment and FE =Final Exam

The CA mark is calculated as follows:
30% - grade from the history of computing bloc
35% - grade from the social, environmental, and legal aspects block
30% - grade from the ethics deliverables
5% - active participation in classes during the course

To be evaluated by CA (and the final mark is calculated following method 1) Final Mark= CA), a student must have delivered a minimum of 75% of the deliverables from all the previous blocks.

In the event that in one of the parts of the continuous assesment the minimum required is not delivered, this part is considered not submitted and the corresponding mark will be zero.

In the case of not following CA, the student will have to do FE. Then, her final mark is calculated using 2), that is, Final Mark=

Transversal competences are assessed:
Sustainability and social commitment: based on specific topics already included in the syllabus on these aspects and, in addition, based on interventions/submissions in class debates.
Effective oral and written communication: based on the activities carried out by the student:
Written communication: the text of assignments such as cases, exercises, and reports.
Oral communication: with the presentations made in class by the students.




Previous capacities

Interest in computing, its impact and history