This course aims to help students to develop their communication skills to engage in academic work in English at B2 level of the Common European Framework (CEF). The course will provide students with resources to improve oral and writing skills to effectively communicate in the course of an academic activity. More specifically, it focuses on participants' skills to develop their fluency, accuracy and appropriateness in English to carry out a project in engineering both individually and collaboratively. They will apply the principles of technical communication in international settings and they will present and discuss technical information both in speech and writing.
Person in charge
Antonia Soler Cervera (
Jonathan Green (
Maria del Carme Bordera Perez (
Weekly hours
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Transversal Competences
Third language
G3 [Avaluable] - To know the English language in a correct oral and written level, and accordingly to the needs of the graduates in Informatics Engineering. Capacity to work in a multidisciplinary group and in a multi-language environment and to communicate, orally and in a written way, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas related to the technical informatics engineer profession.
- To conduct an oral presentation in English and answer questions from the audience. To work effectively in an international context, communicating orally in English with people of different nationalities.
To understand and apply the principles of academic communication in engineering
Related competences:
To understand the importance of intercultural communication in the development of a collaborative project
Related competences:
To recognize academic oral and written genres in English
Related competences:
To analyze a communicative situation for an engineering project and to develop a plan sheet to communicate effectively
Related competences:
To understand and interpret information in English from written sources applying active-reading techniques, and to use information effectively
Related competences:
To understand and interpret information in English from oral sources applying active-listening strategies, and to use information effectively
Related competences:
To prepare an outline for a writing assignment and present the main ideas orally
Related competences:
To write the draft of a document section and revise a document
Related competences:
To report on the status of a project in writing (planning a project report)
Related competences:
To participate in academic discussion effectively using the correct kind of language and level of formality
Related competences:
To prepare and give a short oral presentation on a technical topic
Related competences:
Principles of technical communication
Problem-solving and genre. Online communication in English. Intercultural communication in international settings.
Project planning and organization
Defining a communicative task. A plan sheet for an engineering project. Audience and purpose. Communication strategy.
Gathering and exchanging information in academic settings
Gathering information from oral and written sources. Active reading. Listening comprehension, and note-taking. Organizing ideas and preparing an outline for a project / project proposal. Presenting main ideas orally.
Basic writing techniques for academic work
From the outline to the draft. Revising a document (content, register, appropriateness). Elements of language and style in academic writing in English. The progress report.
Oral presentations in academic settings
The process of designing an oral presentation: planning, delivery and evaluation. Strategies and techniques for effective presentation. Elements of language: pronunciation, signposting and discussion. Body language and gesture.
ActivityEvaluation act
Understanding the principles of technical communication
Becoming familiar with problem-solving approaches for communicative purposes and genre. Analyzing different examples of academic genres and the general communicative strategy used. Objectives:1 Contents:
Analyzing some fundamental aspects of technical and academic communication in international contexts
Analyzing strengths and weaknesses of online communication. Adapting to level of formality in English. Using online tools for collaboration. Reflecting on the importance of intercultural communication Objectives:12 Contents:
Planning and organizing a project in engineering
Analyzing a communicative situation. Developing a plan sheet to organize a collaborative project. Devising an effective communicative strategy
Analyzing a communicative situation. Developing a plan sheet to organize a collaborative project. Devising an effective communicative strategy. Objectives:34 Contents:
Gathering information from written sources and writing an outline for a communicative situation
Analyzing academic documents (a degree thesis, a proposal, a progress report). Applying active-reading techniques. Selecting relevant information. Organizing ideas and writing an outline. Using references and avoiding plagiarism. Objectives:357 Contents:
Applying writing techniques to write an academic document
Drafting a document section. Revising a document: content, register, appropriateness. Revising language and style in academic writing to achieve fluency and accuracy. Objectives:489 Contents:
Designing technical presentation in academic settiings
Applying a three-stage procedure: planning, delivery and evaluation. Devising strategy at the planning stage. Selecting information and structuring the presentation. Objectives:411 Contents:
Preparing the speech. Designing visuals. Choosing the correct kind of language. Considering pronunciation and elements of language for signposting and discussion. Using body language and gesture. Applying evaluation criteria for oral presentations. Self-evaluation and peer evaluation. Objectives:1011 Contents:
A test on the recognizing the basic elements of technical communication and devising a communications strategy. Objectives:123457 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Delivering and evaluating the oral presentation
The students deliver their oral presentations in class and evaluate their partners. Objectives:11 Week:
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
End-term test
Exam on the process of writing and academic genres Objectives:13458 Week:
15 (Outside class hours)
Guided learning
Autonomous learning
Teaching methodology
Class session combine content presentation by teacher, extensive practice and students' participation. Students' participation and involvement are critical for the development of course activities.
The work on the course contents is based on the development of projects and tasks.
The activities are based on problem-solving tasks with practical exercises and analysis of samples.
Evaluation methodology
Course assessment is based on continuous assessment tasks (course assignments and class participation) and written tests with the following percentages:
-Course assignments. Practical assignments based on the different contents of the course: 15%. These assignments will be done either in class or as homework.
-Course project Written document and oral presentation: 25%.
-Mid-term test: 25%
-Class participation. Students are expected to complete activities and tasks and bring their answers to class for discussion. They are also expected to work in collaboration with others. 10%
-End-term test: 25%
-Students need to complete all the continuous assessment tasks in order to cover all the contents of the course and successfully perform in the exams.
-The average mark resulting from the exams must be a minimum of 3.5 in order to pass the subject. If the exam average is under 3.5, continuous assessment tasks will not be taken into account and the final grade will be the weighted average of the exam marks.
-Students will not get a participation mark if they do not attend a minimum of 50% of the course sessions.
Course workbook: academic skills for developing a project -
Secció d'Anglès (UPC),
Cpet, 2012.
"Quantum LEAP: Learning English for Academic Purposes". A virtual environment to practise academic English.
Previous capacities
In order to carry out academic / professional communication activities in English, students are recommended to have acquired B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) or higher.