Incoming enrolment (1st time)

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If you have been admitted to study a semester or the whole year at FIB, you will have to formally register in the welcome session.

Face-to-face procedure

  • Academic course 2024/25 - Autumn semester or full year: 5 September 2024 at 9:30 am at the Aula Màster (Building A3 Campus Nord)
  • Academic course 2024/25 - Spring semester: 6 February 2025 at 9:30 am at the Auditorium Manuel Martí Recober (Building B6 Campus Nord)

Exchange students who have to enrol for the first time at FIB.

Compulsory documentation to upload to the mobility platform before the Welcome Session:

  • Learning agreement duly signed (only if you are coming from a university which country it is outside the Erasmus+ program or if your university is not connected to the Erasmus Without Papers platform).
  • A photocopy of the enrolment at your home university, where it states you are enrolled for the duration of your stay
  • A photocopy of your passport or ID
  • Insurance with the following coverages: Healthcare (including diagnostic tests and surgical interventions), coverage for accidents in the country of destination and repatriation in case of death. If you do not already have insurance, the UPC has an agreement with OnCampus and offers a very complete insurance for the entire stay at a very affordable price (The European Health Card is not enough, as it doesn't have all the required coverages).

This procedure is free.