The project aims to introduce the gender perspective in STEM teaching.
Tuesday 05 October 2021
The Government of Catalonia has awarded six Jaume Vicens Vives 2020 prizes to some professors and several projects from Catalan universities on the occasion of their teaching quality. The delivery of these awards took place last Thursday, 23 September at the University of Girona within the framework of the official opening of the 2021-2022 academic course, and was led by the President of the Catalan government, Pere Aragonès, and the Minister of Research and Universities, Gemma Geis.
Maria Jesús Marco Galindo, professor of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications Studies at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) aas well as a FIB graduate, has been awarded with a Jaume Vicens Vives honour. Marco Galindo receives the prize for her career and her contribution to improving communicative competence written, both academic and professional, of engineering students through the design, creation and implementation of different resources, tools and methodologies in an online learning environment.
On the other hand, the project "Design, preparation and dissemination of resources for the introduction of the gender perspective in teaching in the STEM field" of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) has received the M. Encarna Sanahuja Yll prize. It has been awarded for their contribution to the progress of inclusion of the gender perspective both in academic activity and through actions to support other universities, European projects, conferences and training courses.
The UPC professor Amaia Lusa coordinates the initiative and the former FIB professor, Núria Castell, is one of the members of this winning team.
Developed between May 2017 and April 2021, the project has contributed to the deployment of the third Gender Equality Plan at the UPC (2016-2020) and the design of the fourth one (2021-2026). The prize received, endowed with 20,000 euros, must be used for innovation or teacher improvement projects from the gender perspective.
The Jaume Vicens Vives honours were created in 1996 and their purpose is to recognise university teaching quality, while the M. Encarna Sanahuja Yll prizes value excellence in the inclusion of the gender perspective in university teaching practice.
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