Team FIBer wins second prize at the CopenHacks 2019

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The hackathon took place at the Microsoft Development Center de Lyngby, Copenhaguen. 

The third edition of CopenHacks, Denmark's largest hackathon, was held at the Microsoft Development Center on April 6 and 7, 2019. For 24 hours, hackers have programmed with all their strength to materialize their ideas in the form of projects both software and hardware. This year's edition was in charge of Nermeen and Oscar Faixat, former student of the FIB.

The team made up of FIBers Oriol Closa (Erasmus at KTH, Sweden), Joaquim de la Cruz (founder and CEO of, David Campos (Erasmus at the University of Łódź, Poland and SICUE at FIB) and Francisco Martínez (Erasmus at ITU, Copenhagen) has won the second prize of the event. Their project, Drawploy, was to create a progressive web application (PWA) to recognize handmade diagrams of virtual machines and automatically deploy to the Google Cloud Platform. The project uses Cognitive Services from Microsoft Azure to detect text in diagrams, the OpenCV library to recognize drawn shapes, and the Google Cloud Platform API to deploy machines and cloud services.

cols="6" end="1"Andrea Querol, Ferran Toda, Guillem Ramírez and Joan Vinyals Ylla-Catala, students of the Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering, have been awarded with a prize in the section Best IoT Hack using a Qualcomm Devic with IoT-SmartSoundSystem. Furthermore, a special recognition has been presented to Ferja Velasco, Taras Yarema, Félix Arribas and Alaá Moucharrafie for their game MazeChain, which has been one of the five finalists.

Other FIB students that have also participated in this year's edition with their projects are: Donework (Albert Suárez, Elena Ruiz, Adrià Cabeza, Xavier Lacasa), WatchMyKid (Victor Pérez, David Aleu), Positweet (August Boza, Eloi Carracedo, Aitor Mato), DontTrustPast (David Sirera, Víctor Diví, Bernat Torres), and PetChain (Sergi Canal, Marc Ferreiro,Guillem Rosselló), amongst others.