The MTI has a remarkable european and international vocation which means more than just adjusting learning processes to match the European Higher Education area trends. Specifically, the MTI will encourage the mobility of both students and instructors, taking advantage of the international agreements already existing between the FIB and a large number of foreign universities. In consequence, knowledge of the English language will be required for the MTI students.
There is a remarkable parallelism between the MTI and the second cycle of the current degree in Informatics Engineering, but substantial differences should be pointed out. Specialization, which is compulsory in the second year of the master's degree, and the significant international vocation are some of the MTI distinguishing trends.
The MTI promotes social and environmental values related to the computer science discipline. Moreover, MTI courses intend to develop abilities particularly oriented to the professional practice. Working in group, leading working groups, oral and written communication skills will also be promoted. MTI graduates will be prepared and encouraged to learn throughout their professional lifes.