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Futur activities

Activities to be confirmed date:

Miquel Barceló and Joan Antoni Pastor
Location: Meeting Hall of the FIB

  • Roundtable 1: 100 Years of Turing
  • Roundtable 2: Arrival of the multinational computer companies
  • Roundtable 3: Beginnings of university and corporations
  • Roundtable 4: Computer centers and computer services
  • Roundtable 5: First Municipal computer program
  • Roundtable 6: Computing university: first applications and services
  • Roundtable 7: Computing for JJOO'92
  • Talk 1: Didac Lopez (ATI)
  • Talk 2: Juan A. Tubau (teleprocessing)

Past activities

"Alan Turing, El Principi de la Informàtica"


Ton Sales, retired professor at FIB.

March 7
Time: 11:30
Place: Sala d'Actes de la FIB. Edifici B6

Video of the conference (in catalan language)

"Alan Turing: dels perills de la guerra a la intel·ligència artificial"

Professor Miquel Barceló, ESSI Department
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

May 30
Time: 18:00
Place: Foment Mataroní (carrer Nou, 11, Mataró)

(the conference will be in catalan language)
"Máquinas de Turing y la indecidibildad del problema de parada"

Professor Joerg Flum
Freiburg University
Day: June 14
Time: 12:00
Place: Sala d'Actes de la FIB

Video of the conference (in spanish language)
El 23 de Junio de este año se celebra el centenario del nacimiento de Alan Turing, que introdujo las máquinas que llevan su nombre. En la conferencia recapitularemos las reflexiones de Turing del año 1936 en las que se basa la formalización de la noción de algoritmo mediante sus máquinas. En la misma publicación Turing demostró la indecidibilidad del problema de parada. En la segunda parte veremos que la complejidad computacional de variantes del poblema de parada está relacionada con problemas de distintas áreas.

(the conference will be in spanish language)
"L'enigma d'Alan Turing: dels perills de la guerra a la intel·ligència artificial"

Professor Miquel Barceló, ESSI Department
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

June 18
Time: 17:15
Place: Aula d'Extensió Universitària de la gent Gran de Les Corts-Est. C. Dolors Masferrer, 33-35, Barcelona

(the conference will be in catalan language)
"Màquines, neurones, androides i ovelles elèctriques"

Prof. Francesc J. Ferri
Universitat de València

Day: 21 de novembre
Time: 12:10 a 12:55
Place: Edifici Històric de la UB

Conference in the Diada Alan Turing a la Facultat de Matemàtiques de la UB.

Turing is recognized by many as one of the fathers of the theory of computation. Key concepts such as abstract machine, universal model, cardiac, neural network, intelligence or consciousness already passed through his mind and pen of Alan Turing. Although some of the contributions of Turing now obsolete or have a purely academic interest in the field of the deepest concepts and big ideas, Turing remains a source of inspiration for many researchers in the field of artificial intelligence.

(the conference will be in catalan language)
"De los jeroglíficos egipcios a la codificación digital"

Prof. David Juher
Universidad de Girona

Day: 21 de noviembre
Time: 13:10 a 13:55
Place: Edifici Històric de la UB

Conference in the Diada Alan Turing a la Facultat de Matemàtiques de la UB.

Decryption of writing of ancient civilizations is an intellectual challenge of the first order that mathematicians and archaeologists have been able to overcome in the case of Egyptian and Mayan hieroglyphs. Instead, the inscriptions of Easter Island, Efaistos disk, the Etruscan language or writing of the Iberians, are, even today, impenetrable mysteries. We will review the successes and failures of scientists in regard to decryption scriptures and see how you can quantify the characteristics of natural language (entropy, redundancy) that can help us in this task. End this historical tour in the XXI century, seeing that these concepts are not taught how to encode digital information optimally.

(the conference will be in catalan language)

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