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Conferčncia Sun Spots i Yggdrasil

Introduïda: 20-01-2009
Dimarts 27 de gener de 12:00 a 13:30h, a la Sala d'Actes de la FIB, el Sr. Poornaprajna Udupi impartirŕ les conferčncies: a) "Sun SPOTs - An Experimental Technology from Sun"; b) "Project Yggdrasil - Data Collection framework for sensors"
Project Sun SPOTs:
Sun SPOTs (Sun Small Programmable Object Technology) are small, wireless, battery-powered devices developed at Sun Labs to explore the next frontier of network computing. These devices can be used in a wide range of applications including robotics, environmental monitoring, asset tracking, proactive health care and many others. Sun SPOTs are powered by a specially designed small-footprint Java virtual machine, called Squawk, that can host multiple applications concurrently, and requires no underlying operating system. Stackable boards include application-specific sensors and actuators such as accelerometers, light detectors, temperature sensors, LEDs, push buttons and general I/O pins. The devices can be duty cycled to run for months on a single charge of their rechargeable battery.

Project Yggdrasil:
Yggdrasil consists of a flexible data collection framework, that takes into account the special characteristics and constraints of wireless sensor networks, e.g. power conservation. It targets applications like environmental monitoring, asset tracking, data center monitoring, security surveillance etc. The framework makes it easy for scientists and other domain experts, that do not necessarily have a strong computer programming background, to create applications that collect sensor data over long periods (months). The framework is being developed in close cooperation with several potential users including the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Warren Wilson College, the CREA (Conservation Research Education Action ) organization, The Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden as well as some of our Sun Microsystems' datacenter management teams.

Yggdrasil supports the collection of data from Sun SPOTs through various gateways to a relational database for subsequent analysis and visualization. As we build the system up, we are leveraging the tools we already have for developing with Java and the Sun SPOTs, with the intent that these tools and data analysis will be used with many other embedded nodes, such as cellular phones, parking meters, automobile telemetry etc. The Yggdrasil project is open source and available at:

Poornaprajna Udupi is a researcher for Sun Microsystems Laboratories, working on applied cryptography research projects to provide practical solutions to the information security problems in the financial industry. In the recent past his research was focused on developing anti-phishing protocols for Web Security. This research work is accessible at:

His research interests also include Computer Systems Security, Network Security, Web Security, Secure Electronic Payments, Operating systems kernel software, Mobile Code, Mobile Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks. Udupi received his Masters in Computer Science (2003) from University of California at San Diego and his Bachelor of Computer Engineering (2000) from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Surat, India. Blog:
De: 27-01-2009 Fins: 27-01-2009


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