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Conferčncia: "Are we aware of the inherent risks when sharing information over the Internet?"

Introduïda: 15-06-2015
La FIB i GeorgiaTech us conviden a la següent "tertulia":
Speaker: Prof. Manel Medina (UPC)
When: Wed. 17th June at 13h
Where: Sala d'Actes de Camins (C2 - Planta 0)
Nowadays security incidents are on the rise. Studies estimate that one out of ten persons will suffer an incident this year. Only 1/4th of the users of social networks change their password yearly, even though 2/3rds are aware of the associated identity theft risks. ENSIA and APWG.EU are launching an awareness campaign to reduce the security related crimes over the Internet. Such recommendations are described in the book CIBERCRIMEN authored by Manel Medina and Mercè Molist.


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