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Seminari: Open issues in the clouds with a particular focus on aspects as performance and energy-efficient

Introduïda: 28-05-2010

Es tracta d'un seminari que s'imparteix dins d'una assignatura del Màster CANS obert a l'estudiantat de la FIB.

2 i 3 de juny de 15:00-17:00 a l'aula C6-E101 del Campus Nord de la UPC.

El seminari es composa de dues sessions enmarcades dins de l’assignatura EEDC del master CANS i són obertes als estudiants de la FIB . Les presentacions es faran en Català.

Ponents : Marc Domingo, Alexandre Vaqué , Pablo Juárez , Joan Guisado , Jordà Polo


  • Internet of Things: We will present Internet of Things (IoT), a network formed by all objects surrounded us, and Web of Things (WoT), the integration of physical things with the Web. Furthermore, the current state and open problems are analysed. Finally, is introduced Cloud Computing as a partner for these technologies to offer valuable support dealing with large, dynamic and distributed data sets.
  • Virtualized Plartforms: Virtualization, Green Computing, infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), service providers, middleware, hybrid clouds, virtualized environments, Federation, Elasticity, Consolidation, Adaptability.
  • Distributed File Systems: This presentation is an overview of distributed file systems (DFS). It starts with a characterization of DFS: what makes a set of nodes become a distributed file system? Basically there three main aspects: the namespace, the global access and the security. We will analyze each of them and we will see how real distributed systems resolve this aspects. Following, we will see the capabilities that DFS have: fault tolerance, scalable and high-performance systems. We will examine how different DFS, as Google File System or Hadoop are designed in order to take the maximum advantage of those capabilities that DFS have.
  • Large-scale Data Handling and Processing: This presentation is focused on large-scale data intensive applications and services, the frameworks that run underneath, as mapreduce, and how they work in cloud computing platforms.
  • Security in the Cloud: Some years ago we visualize the Cloud Computing how the best solution for our times, began to be the way of how to get the full potential of our computer equipment and give productivity that we have not met in previous years. Almost at the same time we realized the impact of our surroundings, and the negative effects on the environment, and appeared Green Computing. And the concern for a department where the energy consumption for example, can represent the ability of a data center, is some that we does to think about IT Security.
Per a més informació: (es penjaran les transparències just abans de la presentación)

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CV dels ponents:

Marc Domingo Prieto is a student of the Master CANS at UPC as well as a research assistant in the K-ryptography and Information Security for Open Networks (KISON) research group in the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Nowadays he is undertaking a research trainee in the Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute (DEBII) in Perth, Australia. He holds the degree Computer Systems from the UPC. His research interests include scalable distributed algorithms and applications, energy efficient and security in mobile and peer-to-peer applications.

Joan Guisado-Gámez received the B.S. degree in computer science from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2009. Currently he is a Ph.D student at architecture department of the same university. He is doing research in hybrid, in-memory and on-disk, databases in the DAMA-UPC research group with the support and the collaboration of IBM Center for Advanced Studies in Canada.

Alexandre Vaqué is Computer Engineer (Systems) and is currently finishing a Master in Computer Architecture, Networks and Systems (CANS). Alexandre worked in Safelayer Secure Communications between 2007 and 2008 with the research project CENIT Segur@. He is currently employed by the BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) working on the NUBA project.

Jordà Polo is a M.S. student at the department of Computer Architecture, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). He got his engineer's degree from the same university in 2009 and is currently working at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) as a research student in the Autonomic Systems and e-Business Platforms group.

Pablo Juárez is a Computer Systems Engineer from the Technological Institute of León, he also studied civil engineering at the University of Guanajuato, Fellow of the National Council for Science and Technology, part-time professor at the University of Guanajuato, research interests in security, MANETs and Green Computing .


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