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Crčdits Dept.
5.625 (4.5 ECTS) FIB


Responsable:  (-)

Objectius Generals

Students are expected to acquire the basic knowledge of environmental modelling, with the intention of being able to develop or use that type of models in their application to environmental problems; giving, in addition, a theoretical and practical view of modelling and simulation techniques, from a conceptual perspective and focusing in the understanding of the involved processes and computer resources needs.

Objectius Específics


  1. Fundamentals for the development of models of environmental systems.
  2. Conceptualization of transport processes in atmosphere and hydrosphere.
  3. Programming and simulation of these transport processes.
  4. General procedures that characterize the credibility (validation and verification) of a model are analysed.


  1. Performing numerical experiments using environmental models provided by the lecturer, or public domain software.
  2. Reproducing some basic tests used for validation of environmental models.
  3. Analyzing and represent scientific data.


  1. Environmental modelling in atmosphere.
  2. Environmental modelling in hydrosphere.
  3. Solving selected problems in computational environmental modelling.


Hores estimades de:

T P L Alt L Ext. Est A Ext.
Teoria Problemes Laboratori Altres activitats Laboratori extern Estudi Altres hores fora d'horari fixat

1. Introduction.
T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
1,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,0

2. Transport process in atmosphere.
T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
2,0 2,0 0 0 0 3,0 0 7,0

3. Transport process in hydrosphere and surface water.
T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
2,0 2,0 0 0 0 3,0 0 7,0

4. Environmental models in atmosphere.
T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
4,0 0 0 5,0 0 3,0 0 12,0
  • Altres activitats:
    Presentation of the review of specialized papers provided by the lecturer.

5. Environmental models in hydrosphere and surface water.
T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
4,0 0 0 5,0 0 3,0 0 12,0
  • Altres activitats:
    Presentation of the review of specialized papers provided by the lecturer.

6. Experimental application of environmental models.
T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
2,0 0 25,0 6,0 0 4,0 0 37,0
  • Activitats de laboratori addicionals:
    Presentation of the results of the computational laboratory.

7. Evaluation of environmental models.
T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
2,0 0 15,0 4,0 0 3,0 0 24,0
  • Altres activitats:
    Presentation of the results of the tests used for validation.

Total per tipus T      P      L      Alt    L Ext. Est    A Ext. Total 
17,0 4,0 40,0 20,0 0 19,0 0 100,0
Hores addicionals dedicades a l'avaluació 0
Total hores de treball per l'estudiant 100,0

Metodologia docent

Theory classes building up concepts in a structured method and setting out the commitment required for their practical application. The classes will give the present state of the art of environmental modeling, as well as a perspective of the future trends. Laboratory classes will be focused on the application of environmental models in order to consolidate concepts, skills and competencies.

Mètode d'avaluació

The subject is developed through the combination of presential classes with the participation of the students, and the individual or grouped work. The attendance to joint classes is an important element in the evaluation process, which is made by the execution and defence of works. As well as an exam that assesses the theoretical knowledge acquired during the course.

Bibliografía bàsica

  • Zannetti P. Air Pollution Modeling: Theories, Computational Methods and Available Software, Computational Mechanics Publications-Springer Verlag, 1990.
  • Seinfeld J.H. and S. N. Pandis Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. From Air Pollution to Climate Change, John Wiley&Sons, 1326 pp., 1998.
  • Biswas, A.K. Models for Water Quality Management, McGraw Hill, 1981.
  • Thomann, R.V. and J.A. Muller Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control, Harper Row Pub. N.Y., pp 644, 1987.

Bibliografía complementària

(Informació no introduïda)

Enllaços web

(Informació no introduïda)

Capacitats prèvies

-  Undergraduate courses in physics and chemistry.
-  Undergraduate courses in numerical methods and mathematical analysis.
-  Basic understanding of statistical data analysis.


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