Outgoing enrolment

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If you are doing a stay abroad you will have to enrol at FIB:

  • In the enrolment procedure you will have available the elective credit bag and/or the TFG/TFM, whatever was your enrolment pre-compromise.
  • You CAN'T enrol subjects at FIB, exceptwith a written athorization by the subject coordinator. FIB subjects should also appear in the pre-compromise.
  • TFG/TFM to be done at foreign universities do not need an inscription at FIB.

Online procedure


You have to enrol via the e-Secretaria at the time assigned as normally

Students doing an exchange abroad

Enrolment at FIB for the agreed upon credits to be done in mobility at normal price.

Relacions Internacionals FIB

Talk to 
Carolina Martín

Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Planta baixa de l'edifici B6 del Campus Nord
C/Jordi Girona Salgado,1-3
E-08034 Barcelona

(34) 93 401 07 37
(34) 93 401 69 61
(34) 93 401 71 13

Atenció presencial amb cita prèvia.
Recorda indicar el motiu de la teva cita.

  • dimarts, dimecres i divendres, de 10 a 13.30 h
  • dimecres, de 15.30 a 17 h

Agost tancat.