KEMLG - Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group

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The Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group (KEMLG) is formed by members of the Department of Computer Science.

The aim is the analysis, design and implementation of techniques and new artificial intelligence methodologies to support functioning or the analysis of system’s behaviour and complex domains of the real world. 

Main research areas are:

  • Assistive technologies and ambient intelligence
  • Intelligent decision support systems and recommender systems
  • Knowledge discovery and data mining
  • eCommerce, semantic web and distributed intelligent systems
  • Electronic institutions, organizational theory and multiagent systems
  • Computational argumentation
  • Networks and social systems
  • Machine learning

Research is focused on the analysis, design, management or supervision of these domains, including areas such as healthcare, environmental processes, and industrial and enterprise sector.

Scientific Production

Take a look at the Website for the scientific production of UPC researchers:


Descobreix tota la producció Científica dels investigadors de la FIB al portal FUTUR de la UPC

Treballs de fi de grau i màster dels estudiants

Descobreix al portal de coneixement obert de la UPC els projectes duts a terme per estudiants de la FIB 


Estudi bibliomètric elaborat per la Biblioteca Gabriel Ferraté
Estudi comparatiu de la publicació científica en l’àmbit de la informàtica a la UPC vs. altres universitats d’àmbit nacional i internacional